Saturday, August 17, 2013

Quotes, Marvelous Quotes!

I am a huge fan of quotes.  I collect them because they inspire me.  I get them from everywhere.  I will read something in a book, or online, or hear someone say something, and I make sure to note it in the journal that I always have with me.  I like to think that if could just absorb the quote, that I might live my life better in some small way, with the quotes adding cumulative value for my overall self-improvement.

  I could probably type the quotes into my phone or iPad, but I think that I retain the quote better if I write it in my own hand.  I always think that I will have the chance to go back to my journal and read the quotes, and sometimes I do, but not often enough.  With the desire for further study and retention in mind, as well as for possible inspiration for others, here are some of the quotes I've written down in the last month or so...

"There are all sorts of unknowns.  The first step is literally just to say you're going to do it, and the second step is to start doing it."     -Andre Durand, New York Times Corner Office, July 19, 2013

"You have an abundance of natural ability, and, with your mind made up, you can accomplish much.  You are impulsive, and your intuition is more apt to be correct than your careful reasoning.  You like social life and have many enjoyable interests outside of your home."     -A book about birthdays, about the September 24 birthday.

"Everything around us that we call life was made up by people no smarter than you.  And you an build your own things and you can build your own life that other people can live in."     -Ashton Kutcher

"At some point in your life you realize who is important, who is no longer important, and who will always be important.  So, don't worry about the people from your past;  there is a reason why they didn't make it to your future."     -Unknown

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader."     -John Quincy Adams

"Watch your thoughts;  they become words.
Watch your words;  they become your actions.
Watch your actions;  they become habits.
Watch your habits;  they become your character.
Watch your character;  it becomes your destiny.
Therefore, your thoughts become your destiny."     -Attributed to Margaret Thatcher

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