Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hard Run

Today's run was harder than I thought it would be.  Part of the problem was that the temperatures were in the triple digits today, whereas last week they were only in the high 90s.  Believe me, it makes a difference.  I was just starting out for my run today when I saw one of my neighbors.  "Be careful," she said, "it's very hot out today.  I worry about you!".  I have run many times in the Dallas heat, and my neighbors are there to witness it if they happen to be driving out of our cul de sac, or looking out the window as I walk by, prodding my Garmin to 'find satellites'.  I suspect that a few of them do indeed worry a little bit about me, if only for my sanity.  

As I neared mile two of my seven mile run, I came across some little kids manning a lemonade stand.  They probably hadn't had a lot of customers, because when they saw me they all went into a frenzy of various activities.  One girl ran towards me, so much so that I would have run right over her if I didn't alter my course just a bit.  "I'm sorry," I called out, "but I don't have any money with me."  The kids really must have wanted to unload some lemonade, because the little girl offered to give it to me for free.  I told her no thanks, then felt guilty that I didn't bring a few dollars with me for such a purpose.  The lemonade was only twenty-five cents, but I'd like to help the kids out a bit, and reward their entrepreneurial spirit.  As a former business owner myself, I know that is important.  However, I rarely even have actual money these days, let alone carry it on my sweaty person during a seven mile one hundred and whatever degree run. 

If the kids had still been at the stand on my way back, I might have taken the little girl up on her offer.  Alas, they were gone, probably because their parents realized that it was too damned hot for them to be outside.  I was certainly feeling that way by then.

I was a bit more dazed than usual when I staggered back into the cul de sac-it had indeed been a rough run.  My husband happened to be outside, which was especially strange because he was already dressed to go out in a long sleeved shirt.  We were going out to dinner as a continued celebration of Restaurant Week.  He said he was getting worried about me because he thought that my run was taking a bit too long and he thought that something might have happened to me.  My time actually wasn't bad compared to my usual time at that mileage, but he was probably worried about how I'd fare in the heat. 

I love the summer, and I also love the heat.  I don't love triple digit temperatures, but I'll take them instead of monotonously long and cold winters.  However, I will be glad to see September and October get here, and along with them better running temperatures.     

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