Monday, September 2, 2013

After a Run I Feel Better

I have a tendency to get a bit anxious from time to time, which has shown up in a previous post.  This time it is about my car.  The tire light came on, telling me that my rear tire was low.  This has happened before, especially when the weather changes.  The weather had not changed (it was still hot), so I thought it was a little strange, but the car can be a little sensitive when it comes to tire pressure.  My husband and I went to fill up the tire today, which we thought was all that needed to be done, instead finding out that the tire has a leak and won't hold air.  Luckily it is a "run flat" tire, which means that it will run for about 50 miles.  After that it may just completely fall apart for all I know.  

The tire light originally came on Friday when I was on my way home from my Bikram Yoga class.  I went home, went to work, went to get my bi-weekly mani/pedi, and came back home.  I did not use the car at all the rest of the weekend except to try to put air in the tires, which probably added another 2-3 miles.  All in all, I went 25 or so miles, which means that I have another 25 or so to go.  Luckily there is a dealership very close to where I work, and I bought tire coverage, which means that this could be relatively convenient and at no cost.  

However, I am a little worried that I will have to bring it to the dealership where I bought it, which means that I would have to drive a lot further, and will most likely go over the 25 or so miles I have left.  Another reason that I don't want to go back to the original dealership is that I might run into the guy who sold me the car, who used to be my friend until he texted me a naked picture of himself, but that is another story.  A part of the "other story" that relates to running is that I also used to run in a group that included him and his wife, but I only mention that because this is a running blog.  

In any case, I reacted sort of badly about the tire, and was probably not as nice about it as I should have been to my husband.  I didn't yell or get abusive or anything, but I got upset and I feel guilty because he truly is the sweetest husband I could ever hope to have.  He was probably especially happy that tonight was his weekly dinner date with his dad, so he could get away from the car drama for awhile.

After he left, I went for a run.  I try to make it a rule that I don't run more than two days in a row when the temperature reaches triple digits, but today I made an exception because it rained last night and was a bit cooler, and also I was upset and running can be very helpful in that circumstance.

Running came to the rescue again!  When I went out, I was still ruminating over the problem, what I was going to do, the negative things that could happen, etc.  By the time I got finished (I did 5 miles) I felt so much better and was worrying and ruminating a lot less.  The whole calm fest I was having for myself has waned a bit, but I am still in better shape than I was earlier.  As I prepare to go back to work after the three day weekend and deal with everything, I have hope that things will work out.  

The English say that tea will cure everything (being Irish and having had an Irish grandmother and a large Irish extended family who are actually in Ireland, I can vouch for the Irish having a similar philosophy.  And yes, the Irish and English are still very different cultures and countries, which, surprisingly, a lot of people don't seem to appreciate).  No disrespect to the Irish or English (I love a good cuppa myself), but the way they feel about tea is the way I feel about running-it also makes one feel better, no matter what.  Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without it.

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