Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Running is Boring

Of course, I don't think that running is boring.  However, boredom is one of the main reasons people give me for why they don't run.  Typically, such people are in good shape and pursue other types of exercise, but running is not their cuppa.

I was talking with a couple of colleagues at work today, one a runner and one not.  They both are committed to fitness in different ways.  One likes to run and skateboard, and one likes weight lifting and ju-jit-su (I definitely spelled that wrong, but I don't feel like looking it up right now).  The guy who does "jitz", as he calls it, is very fit and obviously dedicates a lot of time to fitness.  However, he thinks running is boring.  Even he admits that he runs a couple of hundred miles a year, mostly doing fun runs with a friend who is a running enthusiast.

I totally get why people think that running is boring.  I even get bored every once in awhile when I run.    People are just wired differently.  I like to listen to music when I run, and I find that I can often think better and come up with ideas that might otherwise have eluded me.  Sometimes I just let my mind wander, allowing it to go to places where it needs to go.  Other people might find that excruciating, much as I would if I had to hit a baseball or something.  One of my eyes is higher than the other, making it difficult to see small balls hurtling at me, but that is another story.  

I have to admit that I feel sorry for people who don't like to run because they don't experience what I do, which I suppose is part of the famous "runner's high".  They probably feel sorry for me when they see me running or even think of me running.  To each his own, I guess.

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