Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I had a bad and, for me luckily, a rare experience.  I went to my Bikram yoga class after work the other day, and I actually had to sit out a couple of postures because I didn't feel well.  I felt dizzy, like I might pass out.  I was able to do most of the postures, but still didn't feel my best.  It's strange because this never happens to me.  The not-great feeling continued for the remainder of the evening, and even into the next couple of days.  I feel okay now, but I was feeling a bit weak yesterday and this morning.  I don't really know why, although I speculate that I may have been a bit dehydrated.

I have to smile a little at the thought.  "Dehydration" is something that celebrities say that they have when they want people to think they are in the hospital when they are actually in rehab.  Of course, I wasn't hospitalized or anything like that.  I just didn't feel that great and don't really know why this happened when it did.  Dehydration makes sense;  after all, I routinely run as well as do yoga in 100+ degree conditions.  Although I do try to drink as much water as possible and use electrolyte replacements after strenuous exercise, it probably isn't enough.  Added to the mix is the fact that I drink coffee and coca-cola, which are both dehydrating due to the caffeine.  I am basically a ticking time bomb for dehydration.  

What is the answer?  More water, of course.  I think that I also have not been eating enough.  I have lost a couple of pounds.  I definitely know that I don't want to feel like that again!   What is not the answer?  I won't be giving up caffeine any time soon... 

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